“Be Josee’s Voice” Campaign Goes Viral in Effort to #BringJoseeHome, Save a Child’s Life, Pass Law

#BringJoseeHome - Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families is corrupt**** DONATE A TWEET ****

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(www.JoseesVoice.com) – Josee is one of the most amazing kids you will ever meet, not that she has had it easy. Domestic violence nearly ended her life before it began but by God’s grace my baby and I survived.

We ended up in the NICU but after a couple of weeks, we began our new life. She was smaller than a magazine, so fragile she couldn’t digest powdered baby formula but since I planned to nurse it wasn’t a big deal. Nursing my child was something I always wanted to do but with premature, low birth weight children it was pretty much mandatory. Needless to say, we’ve been through some things but through it all we knew we had each other and we’d be okay.

Now our world has been shattered by false and malicious allegations and we’re fighting to be reunited. Josee needs me and I need you! It takes a Village to raise a child. I am hoping that YOU will become a part of Josee’s village.

i#PassJoseeLaw #BeJoseesVoice #FightCPS

I baked Josee a birthday cake from scratch and lots of love!

This blog was Josee’s idea because as she told me, “No one listens to childrens.” She’s right. She hasn’t even met her own attorney. The local CPS worker has made no effort to ensure my child gets play therapy as I requested over a year ago. CASA – Child Appointed Court Advocates – allowed the first ICPC to expire and haven’t helped secure a local guardian ad litem or local child advocate. Heck, Josee’s foster care agency – Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families – hasn’t allowed her to participate in ballet, gymnastics or anything …EVER…despite my requests.  They didn’t pay her school bill for an entire year and I was forced to turn to Twitter to pressure Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families to finally a issue check – after an entire year! Even the school didn’t comply with several court orders. But still we rise.

Sadly, Josee’s right: Few people listen to kids – or their falsely accused parents – even if the agency is paid millions a year to do so. This blog seeks to be Josee’s Voice. Because of YOU and your support, Josee and I remain hopeful that this illegal nightmare that costs taxpayers millions a year – will soon be over for us.

That’s why it is so hard to understand why the City of New York is again medically neglecting my child, who is wrongly placed in foster care after false allegations of child neglect. The false allegations (made by the sister of the person I was having domestic issues with) was the home was messy but as you’ll learn from this website (I have photos, audio, evidence), false allegations go a very long in family court. ACS’ $3 billion budget – doesn’t make it any easier for attorneys to do the right thing.

Be JoseesVoiceHELP FOSTER KIDS PUBLISH THEIR STORIES: Please donate today: http://www.gofundme.com/JoseesVoice

I prayed long and hard about whether to grant Josee’s wish to start this blog. She has been a toy tester for years so she is used to blogging even though she is just learning to read sight words and cannot tell time. She was so happy today when I showed her the website.

“Now you can interview me and people can know what I feel like. I am just a kid and I just want someone to help me get home,” she told me.

From October 2014 until today, my child missed 20+ family counselling sessions. Clearly, New York City’s embattled Administration for Childrens Services (ACS) wanted to make sure that we never completed the final hoop they were making us jump through to be reunited as they blocked every appointment.

You’ll be able to learn all you need to know to make a decision to BE JOSEE’S VOICE. You’ll be heartbroken to know how other “Josees” there are whose parents were victim of false and malicious reports and the children were thrown into kiddie jail. You will be outraged to learn that Josee should have been home over a year ago, that ACS forces me to sleep in airports because they ignore the Family Court Act which requires them to help me remove any barriers in my case including assist with housing, tranportation to and from appointments, court, visits, etc. You might even get mad enough to BE JOSSEE’s VOICE and help rescue other kids who have been wrongly placed in foster care, how much money ACS makes on these kids and how they virtually offer NO HELP to parents.

It is a heartbreaking thing to do as a mom, but as Josee’s advocate I have go put my feelings as a parent aside and help her find her voice.

She needs me and I need you. Please help my baby! Please BE JOSEE’S VOICE….and mine!

New York City gave us a hard time from the beginning ignoring my prescription for a hospital grade breast pump needed to nourish my child and build her immune system.

Despite winning six separate housing lotteries and having a fixed income voucher, the City of New York never honored any of their legal and contractual obligations to Josee or me. We never gave up even when her body needed test after test. She had her first ultrasound at three months and had so many specialty doctors with the “ologist” attached to their name that Josee grew up wanting to be a doctor.

When we’d go to the doctor office at the hospital she would be taken around by willing nurses and doctors who sensed her love of healing. Josee would make me sit for thirty minutes as she watched “the hospital cars” also known as ambulances do their job. Many times the EMTs would invite us to go inside and would show her various tricks or gadgets.

She got a kick out of knowing I rode in ambulance with her when I was in labor. I left out the time I rode in the ambulance while pregnant following a domestic beat down that nearly ended her life.

When Disney invited us to a screening of a new show about a little Black girl who wanted to be a doctor, I thought they had been tipped off by one our medical community friends about Josee’s love of doctors. Doc McStuffin still plays an important role in our lives to this day.

Thank you for reading.


Josee’s Mommy

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